Tuesday, August 27, 2013


For my third “Insider Interview” I’m proud to bring you a conversation with a catfighter and fantasy wrestler who is as stunningly beautiful as she is tough… JENN D.
She’s been one of my favorite fighters for much of the last decade, going up against a lot of the industry’s top ladies. Her fights can be found all over the web, including some amazing battles for CATFIGHT HAVEN, SPECTRUM CUSTOM REQUESTS and WE BRING IT, amongst others.
As a huge fan of this “Brawling Beauty” I was thrilled when she agreed to do this interview, and I’m glad to share it here with you…
HONORABLE PERV (HP): What was your first experience in professional-filmed catfighting and what made you decide to give it a try in the first place?
JENN D. (JD): My first film experience was with ECNWC. I had been doing private matches for my boyfriend (now husband) when we found them on the internet and I decided to give it a try.
(HP): So your hubby is a big female wrestling fan himself. Does he realize he’s one of the luckiest men on earth?
(JD): If it wasn’t for him I won’t even be having this interview. Woman’s wrestling has been a fetish of his since he was young. We had become friends in high school due to having mutual friends. After some time he asked me if I would wrestle his girlfriend, I did. If I remember correctly I wasn’t that good at it but I enjoyed it and wanted to do it more. I think he’s aware of how lucky he is (laughing).
(HP): He better! Have you ever thought of starting your own Female Wrestling company and building a website or do you prefer to just be a competitor and stay a freelance fighter?
(JD): I actually was co-founder and co-owner of WeBringIt.com. Knowing the pressures that come with building and operating a site and company, at this time in my life it isn’t something I’m interested in. Will I change my mind? Anything’s possible (laughing). The creative business woman in me would love to give it a go again. But for right now I’m going to continue to stay freelance and see what the worlds offering.
(HP): Interesting, so you are a business woman and have a “real” job in addition to the catfight work that you do. Does anyone in your other life know about your catfighting work and if so, what do they think of it?
(JD): I’ve been at my 9-5 as I call it for almost 15 years and yes there are some I work with that know. But you know they’ve known for so long that it really isn’t a topic anymore. I’m sure if the new twenty-something males that have joined us over the past few months ever found out it would different (laughing). I don’t lie well so when asked “what’s up for the weekend” or “what did you do this weekend” I just stand there, smirk and say “nothing really” (laughing).
(HP): Oh my God, if I found out a few of the ladies I work with were doing catfights on the side I’d just about die! I’d love to see the faces of those twenty-somethings if they did ever find out. Priceless! Moving on, you’re from Philly, correct? Is it true that East Coast girls are tougher than girls from other parts of the country?
(JD): (Laughing) I don’t know about that, but we tend to be pretty straight forward.
(HP): “Straight forward.” (Laughing) I guess that’s a good way to put it. “We Bring It” still has a nice few pages dedicated to you and your fights. On your interview page with them it lists your trademark move as “Bitch Slaps”. Do you agree? The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of your fights is Facesitting. But then again I’m a pretty big fan of your butt, so it could just be the perv in me talking! What would you say is your trademark move on the mats?
(JD): Woooowwww! (Laughing) That info, it’s like 10 years old! Back then, yes, I would say my trademark was the “Bitch Slap”. Nowadays, your perv meter is right on (winks).
(HP): I thought so. You still pack a mean slap though. Is there a particular style of match that you prefer, for example a semi-competitive custom where you are following a “script”, or a real-life, down and dirty catfight?
(JD): My favorite of course would be a good ole fashion catfight with agreed upon rules. I’ve always loved the physical and mental challenge of it, there’s nothing like being on the mats with someone that pushes me as hard as I am pushing them.
(HP): And you’ve had many girls push you back and forth over several fights and rematches, you might even say you’ve had a few “rivalries” in the catfight world, competing against many ladies multiple times. Tell me a little bit about your relationship with some of these familiar foes. Let’s start with someone I’ve also admired for a long time, and whom I’m proud to say has already graced the pages of THE HONORABLE PERV BLOG, the beautiful and talented KERI SPECTRUM…
(JD): What isn’t there to say? (Laughing) We’ve been through some good and some bad times, all of which have only made our bond stronger. I consider her my family and couldn’t be more proud to say so.
(HP): It still trips me out that you ladies get along so well off the mats and yet on the mats you bring it full on every time and just absolutely wail on each other. That’s some special relationship. What about another big star of the industry whom you’ve tangled with often, SYBIL STARR?
(JD): Driven, dedicated, contagious smile, tremendous passion for life. Sybil’s a true inspiration.
(HP): An inspiration, and a fierce competitor I would imagine. Seems like one tough woman! What about one of your new “rivals”, one who you have been tangling with recently for SPECTRUM CUSTOM REQUESTS, the lovely STEPHANIE ANDERS?
(JD): I haven’t known her long, but I love her ability to go with the flow and not take shit to seriously.
(HP): I would imagine that would be huge, because I would assume that in a fight things can happen by mistake let’s just say and girls might take it personally. That being said, what goes into your decision making process when deciding to take a fight. Is it the lady or ladies you will be fighting, the payday, or the reputation of the producer? What’s the number one thing you take into consideration?
(JD): It depends. I would say I take all those things into consideration.
(HP): When you are facing an opponent for the first time, what’s usually going through your mind? Do you do a lot of research on your opponents before you face them to come up with a strategy or do you just get on the mat and go at it?
(JD): I’m more the type to clear my mind, find a zone. I just get on the mats and get to it.
(HP): Nice, a true scrapper! Now you are only 5’ 1” tall, do you find that your height helps or hurts you when competing against opponents that many times are significantly taller than you are?
(JD): I can’t say it hurts or helps, but it sure is different than going up against an opponent that’s let say 5’ 4”, closer to my height. Much like everything else it comes down to skill.
(HP): When it comes to your skills, have you done any formal training in wrestling or MMA? What does your normal routine look like to stay in shape you’re your matches?
(JD): I did a while back. I trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) for like 8 months. I do cardio and weight training a few days a week when life doesn’t get in the way (laughing).
(HP): I would imagine that with a “9 to 5” job, plus the catfight work, plus your personal life, it must be tough to squeeze in training. When you’re not working your regular job or wrestling, what does your daily life look like? Any favorite hobbies?
(JD): Whatever time there is left after working and the gym I enjoy spending at home with my husband and my two dogs. I don’t have one or two hobbies that consume me. I’m more the type that likes to try new things. It’s kind of like food… I want to taste a little bit of everything!
(HP): Me too! I love traveling and experiencing new things. Sticking with your personal side for now, what movie genre would you say best describes your life in and out of the ring… Comedy, Drama, Thriller, or something else?
(JD): Can it be all in one? (Laughing) At work, nothing but Drama! Much the reason why I don’t deal with it in the rest of my life. At home, a Comedy. I surround myself with people that make me laugh as well as those that can laugh at themselves. In catfighting and wrestling, Action/Thriller, pretty sure there no explanation needed for this (laughing).
(HP): Great answer! It’s good to have a mix like that in your life, helps keep things fresh. Getting back to the wrestling world, have you ever been injured in a fight or have you ever injured an opponent, whether accidentally or otherwise?
(JD): (Laughing hysterically) YES! I have been injured on the mats, and it was my own fault. I tore a few tendons in my right foot. All I remember is being in the standing position, putting my right foot down, my foot then rolling to the right and a loud popping noise. How the hell did I plant my foot directly on top of KERI’S I have no idea (laughing). Shit has happened on the mats over the years but nothing has ever been with the intent to injure someone.
(HP): Ouch! I guess accidents are bound to happen when you’re doing something as physical as wrestling and catfighting. Now, when it comes to the “Fetish” aspect of fantasy wrestling, do you find “sexy wrestling” to be particularly sexy yourself? What do you think of that aspect of the business?
(JD): “Sexy Wrestling” is really open to many interpretations. Some of which I find sexy, and some I find not to be wrestling at all.
(HP): (Laughing) Yeah, I guess some of the more “semi-competitive” stuff out there really shouldn’t even be called “semi-competitive”, because we all know that it’s not really a competition! What are your thoughts on partial or complete nudity in your matches? Do you consider yourself a bit of an exhibitionist, and if so have you always been comfortable showing off your body?
(JD): I personally am only comfortable doing fully nude matches for certain producers. To a certain degree, yes, I am an exhibitionist. Can you tell? (Laughing) Yes, I guess I have always been comfortable with my body.
(HP): Well I for one am certainly glad you have a bit of an exhibitionist’s flair in you! You truly are an amazingly beautiful woman. Clearly I’m a huge fan of yours, have you ever been out in the real world and been recognized by a fan?
(JD): I haven’t ever had that happen, and I’m not really sure how I would react.
(HP): (Laughing) They probably would be too in awe to say anything! You know Men, our brains pretty much turn to mush when in the presence of an attractive woman. You do interact with fans online though, what’s that like? Any special requests for your fans, anything they should start or stop doing?
(JD): The majority that interact with me are great. Respect goes along way.
(HP): Yeah, I never understand guys who are disrespectful online. It’s not a Right to get interact with your favorite model or wrestler online, it’s a Privilege. It should be treated that way. What is the best way for your fans to keep in touch with you and your career online?
(JD): Right now my twitter (@CatfightJenn) is probably the best. I’m currently debating changing my Facebook over to a Fan page. So that’s something to keep an eye out for.
(HP): Cool, will do. Now it might be kind of silly but I like to ask the same question at the end of every interview, because I think it says a lot about the person. Fill in the blank… “I want to be just like ________ when I grow up?”
(JD): I can’t say I want to be like anyone else. I do, however, want to be a better me.
(HP): Well put. Something we all should wish to aspire to be… BETTER. Thanks for your time Jenn!
Don’t forget to follow Jenn on Twitter @CatfightJenn and catch her in action, going to town on her opponents, for these companies…

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